digital detox: limit exposure & rejuvenate 

Develop Your Personal Path to Freedom & Creativity

Take control of your time and energy from the shackles of screen-driven reality to invigorate yourself with a sense of creativity, spontaneity and intuition, bringing back the magic of the human experience. We’ll work on more authentic connections with others and setting goals for both digital and non-digital dream projects as well as setting limit targets for screen time & expectations with others in terms of mobile accessibility. 

Founded by Angela Heeds in 2019, we’ve had over 10 years’ experience in helping artists and entrepreneurs develop success in their business and personal lives. Our focus is finding areas where your relationship to technology could have more integrity and then helping you develop the path to get it there.

Artists, makers, teachers, traditional skill masters & wellness practitioners can help us detox from the digital and reconnect with nature, our bodies, our thinking, our creativity and our intuition.

27 day program

Follow the 27-day digital detox journaling program with or without one-on-one mentoring to transform your relationship to the digital world. Investigate & draw awareness to your digital fingerprint, and what effects it’s having on you.

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woman with umbrella taking off

click the pic to get inspired

change-it-up app

It seems counter-intuitive but it’s not. This app will help you do something different other than mindlessly doing what you normally do online. The app is your portal to ideas and inspirations to take yourself offline and restore your energy. 

offering a flower

develop your digital dreams 

Explore your highest aspirations and connect with others to help you achieve your goals using the tools of today to their greatest potential.

Refocus your online time & connect with teams to accomplish your goals.